Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Antonio Augusto Canelas Neto
Bloodstain Pattern Analyst
Forensic Scientist at Brazilian Federal Police Department (DPF) for over 18 years, A. Canelas has a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and currenctly is a technical collaborator of PhD program in Chemical Engineering at Federal University of Santa Catarina. A. Canelas is a member of the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (IABPA) since 2012. He was trained for the best BPA institutes in North America and Europe. A. Canelas has been working with BPA since 2009, and operates in several States of Brazil assisting many cases. He is www.bloodtraining.com website editor, and author of the book " Bloodstain Pattern Analysis- From Crime Scene to Report Elaboration ", 360 pages (Portuguese language), released nationally in October 2017, Florianópolis / SC, Brazil. A. Canelas is also a technical consultant for research on bloodstain pattern analysis promoted by LabMASSA/LabSIN laboratory of the postgraduate course in Chemical Engineering at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.